remain behind, while consumption in excess rules the day. Confusion about behavior expected after leaving the destination has shown up in various ways, nearly all devoid of constructive from our future leaders. Good luck with how we crash into adulthood.....the "no holds barred" policy may be an example of why we are in decline..... (sorry)
ngs, which, as predicted, accelerate willingness for total nudity. The seemingly endless crowd was cheering louder as "stretchy cloth patches" were abandoned by the female revelers. Inhibitions .... what inhibitions! For those in attendance,
okay to celebrate all bodies. And the petite had more than the usual attendees gathered to flaunt their lack of tan lines. Modesty was forgotten, while they frequently slipped o
As intended, the "free to self align" was the best for drama, or resignation that any public onlookers were shocked! Seeing college spring breakers welcome the exposure, showing little resrvation for being
Hell yeah, boobs are displayed, admired and like a ribbon on a present, any movement starts resetting placement, relieving stretch to a nearby area with no "high spots, like nipples, folds of skin greet onlookers with any limb articulation.